Monsoon rainforest in Malaysia/Thailand. © Edward Parker

The impact of forests on climate

The world’s forests are active players in maintaining the equilibrium of world climate, not just passive victims succumbing to global heating.

forest fire. @ Peter J. Wilson/
climate care

Forest fires and their causes

The causes of forest fires and wildfires lie not only in climate change, but also in mistakes in forest management.

veils of rain over forest landscape. © Dudarev Mikhail/
climate care

Tree vapours cool planet

New discoveries show that tree vapours cool the planet, and that protecting old-growth forests would be one of the best ways to counteract global heating.

conifer forest in the Altai Mountains. © Seth Judd
climate care

Hope for the Taiga

An international project started in 2005 to raise awareness for the Russian Taiga, including community-based harvesting of sustainable forest products.

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Monsoon rainforest in Malaysia/Thailand. © Edward Parker

The impact of forests on climate

The world’s forests are active players in maintaining the equilibrium of world climate, not just passive victims succumbing to global heating.

forest fire. @ Peter J. Wilson/
climate care

Forest fires and their causes

The causes of forest fires and wildfires lie not only in climate change, but also in mistakes in forest management.

veils of rain over forest landscape. © Dudarev Mikhail/
climate care

Tree vapours cool planet

New discoveries show that tree vapours cool the planet, and that protecting old-growth forests would be one of the best ways to counteract global heating.

conifer forest in the Altai Mountains. © Seth Judd
climate care

Hope for the Taiga

An international project started in 2005 to raise awareness for the Russian Taiga, including community-based harvesting of sustainable forest products.

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