ancient yew Borrowdale April 2004 © Fred Hageneder
cultural history

Yew and misconceptions in religious history

The cultural history of the yew tree reveals surprising insights into the origins of the Nordic World Tree, Yggdrasil, usually hidden by orthodox doctrine.

Boy standing enchanted among trees in the evening sun. © Jerome Berquez/Fotolia

Trees for Life – (2) The inside

Trees play a huge role in the personal and collective psyche of all humans, not just for obvious practical reasons (food, shelter, air quality) but also for being sacred gates to other realms of consciousness and experience.

Sacred tree adorned with colourful ribbons, Lake Baikal

Spirits of the Taiga

The Birch tree plays a central role in the mythology, initiations and rituals of Siberian and Mongolian shamanism.

Young female pilgrim sitting cross-legged in Buddhas Bodhi tree, Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India. © Lisann Drews

Living with the spirit of trees

Trees are guardians that protect all life on earth. In all traditions, people have respected, loved and revered trees.


The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life aka the World Tree is an ancient and global symbol of the totality of a universe in which everything is imbued with spirit.

tree shrine in Nepal. © Lisann Drews

Sacred Site to be recognised term

The return of the oldest method of habitat protection on Earth: to honour and respect a place or an area as “sacred ground” (= untouchable, taboo).

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ancient yew Borrowdale April 2004 © Fred Hageneder
cultural history

Yew and misconceptions in religious history

The cultural history of the yew tree reveals surprising insights into the origins of the Nordic World Tree, Yggdrasil, usually hidden by orthodox doctrine.

Boy standing enchanted among trees in the evening sun. © Jerome Berquez/Fotolia

Trees for Life – (2) The inside

Trees play a huge role in the personal and collective psyche of all humans, not just for obvious practical reasons (food, shelter, air quality) but also for being sacred gates to other realms of consciousness and experience.

Sacred tree adorned with colourful ribbons, Lake Baikal

Spirits of the Taiga

The Birch tree plays a central role in the mythology, initiations and rituals of Siberian and Mongolian shamanism.

Young female pilgrim sitting cross-legged in Buddhas Bodhi tree, Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India. © Lisann Drews

Living with the spirit of trees

Trees are guardians that protect all life on earth. In all traditions, people have respected, loved and revered trees.


The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life aka the World Tree is an ancient and global symbol of the totality of a universe in which everything is imbued with spirit.

tree shrine in Nepal. © Lisann Drews

Sacred Site to be recognised term

The return of the oldest method of habitat protection on Earth: to honour and respect a place or an area as “sacred ground” (= untouchable, taboo).

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