Custodian, thoughtful. © The African Biodiversity Network
Custodian, thoughtful. © The African Biodiversity Network

Custodians of sacred sites in Africa unite

April 2012

The traditional custodians of sacred sites from four African countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa and Uganda) met on 28 April in Kenya to create a common guideline to help other custodians everywhere in Africa in their fight to protect their sacred places. Quote from the introduction of their statement:

‘We are deeply concerned about our Earth because she is suffering from increasing destruction despite all the discussions, international meetings, facts and figures and warning signs from Earth.
‘The future of our children and the children of all the species of Earth are threatened. When this last generation of elders dies, we will lose the memory of how to live respectfully on our planet, if we do not learn from them. Our generation living now has a responsibility like no other generation before us. Our capacity to stop the current addiction to money from destroying the very conditions of life and the health of our planet, will determine our children’s future.
‘We call on governments, corporations, law and policy makers, and civil society to recognize that Africa has Sacred Sites and custodians who are responsible for protecting them, in order to protect the wellbeing of the planet.’

At their meeting, the custodians compiled 14 ‘common customary laws of sacred sites’ – see original statement here:

source: The African Biodiversity Network

string: Mapping sacred sites for their protection, Protecting sacred natural sites worldwide, Sacred Site to be recognised term

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