UK Catholics: The Call to Creation
Aug 2011
Genesis 2:15, cited by Catholics who see humanity’s role as being stewards of nature, not its masters
‘The Lord God took the man and settled him in the garden of Eden to cultivate and take care of it.’
‘And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.’
Genesis 1:31, cited by Pope John Paul II in 1990 to show that God entrusted Creation to human care
‘The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales wishes to add its voice to the many calling for urgent action to protect our earthly home from further destruction.’
‘A way of life that disregards and damages God’s creation, forces the poor into greater poverty, and threatens the right of future generations to a healthy environment and to their fair share of the earth’s wealth and resources, is contrary to the vision of the Gospel.’
We are partners in God’s creative enterprise, called to ‘renew the face of the earth’ until there is peace and harmony, sparkling life-giving water, the ‘trees of life’ that give health and the messianic banquet that can be shared by all the inhabitants of the earth. Then ‘the curse of destruction will be abolished’ (Revelation 22:1-3).
Read more:
ARC – Faiths and Ecology
Pope tackles issues of ecology and energy use (Dec 2006)